Legal information


By visiting this website you agree to the applicability of this disclaimer.

Use of this website
The information on this website is intended to inform you about NYBE’s products / services. Although NYBE is careful in compiling and maintaining this website, NYBE cannot guarantee the completeness, correctness and topicality of the information provided. Nor can NYBE guarantee an error-free or uninterrupted functioning website.

Information from third parties
When NYBE refers to websites of third parties, this does not automatically mean that NYBE recommends the products or services offered on or via these websites. NYBE is therefore not responsible or liable for the content, availability or use of these websites. The links referred to are therefore visited at your own risk.

Using information
All intellectual property rights and other rights related to the information on this website are not allowed to copy, download or in any way disclose, distribute or multiply for commercial purposes without prior permission.

NYBE reserves the right to change the information on this website at any time. This does not require prior notification. It is therefore up to the customer to read everything regularly: the general terms and conditions, privacy and cookie policy and other documents and content can change.

Responsible disclosure
Despite careful security, it is possible that there is a weakness in our system. When you observe such a problem, you have an obligation to report it to us as soon as possible. You can do this by sending an email to [email protected]. NYBE communicates this to the IT party as soon as possible. If you experience a vulnerability, don’t abuse it. For example, by:
– Implement changes in the system.
– Placing malware.
– Access our system and / or share access with others.
– Copy, change or delete system data or configurations (as well as directory listing or taking screenshots).

Privacy and cookie policy